How many unpaid invoices do you have? Where’s the weakest link that causes the entire approval flow to stop? And how many invoices could be replaced with e-invoices to reduce the risk of errors?

Working with finance without looking at your data is like driving a car in the dark without headlights. You can’t see where you’re going, you need to drive very slowly and there’s a good chance you’ll drive off the road anyway.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce new Analytics for Rillion One, so you can finally turn on your headlights, shift into high gear, and accelerate in the right direction.

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Get an overview of Rillion One Analytics (in Swedish).

Why we built Rillion One Analytics

We develop Rillion together with our customers. After 25 years in the business, we know the best ideas come from people who use the system every day. So, after gathering all the thoughts and ideas on how to make invoice processing even more efficient, we got to work.

And that resulted in ten reports organized into what we call Analytics. It’s a powerful but simple tool that gives you valuable insights to improve your business, whether you’re an AP Manager, Controller, CFO, or CEO.

Analytics helps to:

  • Increase control: Analytics allows you to take control of your invoice flows. It gives you the tools to ensure invoices are paid on time and on the right terms, reduce the risk of errors, and see how much of your process is automated.
  • Identify bottlenecks: You get a good overview of all invoices to understand what causes blocks in the approval flows so that you can automate those parts instead.
  • Make decisions based on real-time data: Unlike the reports in your ERP system that are based on invoice data that’s been booked (which can have a lag of several weeks), Rillion Analytics provides insights here and now. For example, you can get a real-time forecast of your payments in the coming weeks and how many unpaid invoices you have.

“Analytics is a great tool that gives us insights to streamline our business. The system is intuitive and easy to navigate, and it was surprisingly quick to learn how to navigate the reports.”

– Joanne Kadir, Cost Controller, Riddermark bil

How Rillion One Analytics works

With Rillion One Analytics, you have direct access to ten reports, without having to build anything yourself. These are divided into three categories: AP Performance Tracking Reports, AP Reports, and Business Reports.

AP Performance Tracking Reports

These reports give you insights into historical data:

  • Invoice Flow Tracking: Here you can see bottlenecks and the average processing time, among other things.
  • Invoice Summary: This report gives you an overview of invoice types and the largest suppliers.
  • Invoice Overview: When you need a clear overview of your invoices.
ap performance tracking report - rillion

AP Reports

These reports give you an overview of the current situation:

  • Active Invoices: This report gives you a quick overview of how many invoices are currently in the flow.
  • AP-Aging: This report shows how many unpaid invoices you have.
ap report

Business Reports

Our most comprehensive reports for finance managers and company executives. These will help you improve cash flow and give you a better understanding of supplier costs. You’ll also be in a better position to negotiate prices and payment terms with your suppliers:

  • Executive Dashboard: Here you can see the average processing time and invoice status, among other things.
  • Spend Report: This report shows the amount and number of invoices.
  • Vendor Payment Analyzer: Find out how many invoices are paid on time, late, or way too early compared to payment terms. It will help you improve cash flow by reviewing your payment procedures and which suppliers you can negotiate longer payment terms with.
  • AP Cash Flow: This report will give you an overview of upcoming payments and analyze historical payments. If the Swedish Companies Registration Office needs such information, you can simply send this report to them.
  • Vendor Card: Here you get an overview of your suppliers, such as where they are located and what type of invoice they send (e-invoice or invoice capture).
business report - rillion

Get started with Rillion One Analytics

Getting started with Analytics for Rillion One is easy. If you’re on the Professional or Premium plan, you can start working smarter right away. There are no start-up costs or time-consuming training.

Are you a Rillion One Essential customer? Fill out the form and we’ll help you upgrade your account.

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